How do I ADD a (software) Digital Signature to a C++ Builder application?
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Alister John
2005-03-04 17:25:51 UTC
Hello Sir/Madam:

I am putting this message here in the hope that someone would see it soon and reply as soon as possible.

I created a software using Delphi 2005 and C++ Builder6. Then I created a self-extracting installation/Setup executable (using a third-party install builder program - similar to InstallShield).

However when I try to run the installation program, I get messages like the following - "The Publisher could not be verified........". - And at the bottom of the message box it is stated - "This file does not have a valid Digital Signature that verifies it's publisher...".

So what do I do? How do I obtain a Digital Signature? (should i go to, say, Verisign?), But MORE IMPORTANTLY, after I obtain the (software) Digital Signature, what exactly do I do with it so that my File Explorer or Internet Explorer sees that the file has a valid Digital Signature and a verified publisher?

Also, do Borland provide a utility to ADD a (software) Digital Signature to a Delphi 2005 (or C++ Builder6) application? OR can it be done within Delphi 2005 (or C++ Builder6)?.

Please help!!!

Thank you for your tine.
Alister (Francisco) John
Thomas Maeder [TeamB]
2005-03-04 18:25:04 UTC
Please direct your browser at http://info.borland.com/newsgroups/ and read the
newsgroup guidelines. One of them asks us not to post the same question to
different newsgroups, but to pick the most appropriate one and just post
there. Thanks!

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Creating a "Why we should switch to Mac" Speech. Help Please?
started 2007-10-26 15:44:14 UTC